lördag 31 januari 2009

Tim Burtons tragiska dikter

Jag fick en bok från min roomie i julklapp av Tim Burton. Den innehöll små roliga men dock väldigt tragiska dikter, här kommer två stycken som jag fastnade för:

Voodoo Girl
Her skin is white cloth,
and she`s all sewn apart
and she has many colored pins
sticking out of her heart.
She has a beautiful set
of hypno-disk eyes,
the ones that she uses
to hypnotize guys.
She has many different zombies
who are deeply in her trance.
She even has a zombie
who was originally from france.
But she knows she has a curse on her,
a curse she cannot win.
For if someone gets
too close to her
the pins stick farther in.
Jimmy, the Hideous Penguin Boy
" My name is Jimmy,
but my friends just call me
`the hideous penguin boy"